Month: May 2018

  • The Cambridge Analytica fiasco

    The Cambridge Analytica fiasco

    Facebook collects an incredible amount of data. Most users are quite surprised when they see the amount of data Facebook has on them, including their preferences, friends, and people they have unfriended. This data is often compiled and used by third parties to target users for ads. In a nutshell, Facebook gave aces to or…

  • Top 2 graphic design trends for 2018

    Top 2 graphic design trends for 2018

    Graphic designing is a creative field that changes trends perhaps on a daily basis. So which two trends are topping the charts for this coming year? Bold, unusual and unique colors are becoming more and more popular. Brands are adapting to this trend in their designs and the payoffs are quite great. Customers are responding…

  • 5 new social media features that need to be added to your social media strategy today

    5 new social media features that need to be added to your social media strategy today

    A social media strategy is as integral to any organization or business as a solid HR policy or an advertising strategy. It is impossible to conduct business without some sort of path that includes social media. However, the social media landscape is constantly changing with new features to the most commonly used platforms. Therefore, your…

  • How to give your audience a seamless mobile experience

    How to give your audience a seamless mobile experience

    It is not strange to hear that users are dissatisfied with a website because it doesn’t load properly on their mobile phones. Often, companies forget that a seamless and smooth mobile experience is as important as a smooth desktop experience. Here is how you can ensure your brand’s mobile website is perfect and exactly what…

  • Should you or should you not post about the trending topics on your social media business account?

    Should you or should you not post about the trending topics on your social media business account?

    As a brand, a question that is quite difficult to answer is whether to comment or not on the trending topics. The first thing to consider is relevance. Is the topic relevant to your brand? Can you add anything productive to the discussion? The second thing is context. Understand the context of the conversation. Do…

  • Small businesses and Instagram: The perfect relationship

    Small businesses and Instagram: The perfect relationship

    Instagram has risen in popularity with small business owners. This dynamic rise has surprised many but it is not that hard to determine its reasons. It presents a cost-effective opportunity for small business owners to market and sell their products. With the sponsored ads, it has become easier to target the potential customers. Instagram offers…